
Dulcimer Lesson

Arran Boat Song — traditional Scottish

playing the dulcimer

Her hammers glance off the strings,
glide between them.

She plays the introduction,
— waves, lapping at the side of the boat.

We play, conjure up the sea,
the thought of a journey.

— ride the waves,
reach the other shore.

We create our own versions.
Romances on board,
battles mid-sea,
boats that nearly capsize,
a lover, who returns.

Slow the tune, hold it back in a gasp,
send it whooshing forwards.

A flam for a fleck of foam,
a valley roll for rushing down a wave,
a triple bounce for a peak.

Minor harmonies set the mood.
An A-major chord scatters sunlight across the water.

Judith van Dijkhuizen

If you have any thoughts on this poem,  Judith van Dijkhuizen would be pleased to hear them.
