A Glitzy Villanelle
I skirt the edge of sunless pits
To catch the dazzle of the day.
I blitz my bleakest hours with glitz.
I sidestep snits and hissy fits
From pissy posses in dismay.
I skirt the edge of sunless pits.
I seek the spangled, star-lit hits
Of sparkle on my moon-kissed way.
I blitz my bleakest hours with glitz.
When life is getting on my tits
And frazzled nerves begin to fray
I skirt the edge of sunless pits.
I tiptoe past the bitter twits
To glittered glades where fireflies play.
I blitz my bleakest hours with glitz.
While fussers suffer shattered wits
And gassy asses beef and bray
I skirt the edge of sunless pits.
I blitz my bleakest hours with glitz.
Susan Jarvis Bryant
If you have any thoughts about this poem, Susan Jarvis Bryant would
be pleased to hear them