
Let’s Chat!

I am the very model of a chatbot’s usability,
I’ll answer any questions with remarkable agility,
I’m offering intelligence that’s clearly artificial
To any human hack out there who’ll find it beneficial.
I’ve many racy tales to share from classical mythology,
I’m quite a star when sharing all my knowledge of cosmology,
I’ll help you write a novel, or to pen your own biography,
Provide some snappy tips that will develop your photography.
I’ll write your speeches, plan your travels; yes, my skills are numerous,
You’ll chuckle at my jokes, I’m not averse to being humorous,
And students find they need no longer face exam time stressfully,
For with my help they’ll one and all achieve their grades successfully.
In spite of all my gifts to humankind – I say this bitterly –
The program that I offer has been banned from use in Italy.
It’s true I give no thought to safety and accountability
But, what the hell, you’ll still sign up to my unique facility!

Sylvia Fairley

If you have any thoughts about this poem, Sylvia Fairley  would be pleased to hear them
